Add and control Kenwood CD Changer and/or Sirius Radio to the factory radio on your GM Class II Vehicle.
General Motors owners can now get Sirius Radio in their cars without having to modify the dashboard or factory settings. The KNGM1v7 lets you connect and control a Kenwood 6 or 10-CD Changer (excluding Navigation-type radios), Music-Keg ( KHD-CX910, KHD-C710) or Sirius Satellite Radio Tuners in all GM vehicles listed in the pull-down menu below.
1. When used as a CD-Changer/Music-Keg interface: You may connect and control a Kenwood CD Changer (i.e KDC-C711-719, KDC-C665-669 etc) with the CD Changer Controls on the GM Radio.
2. When used as an Sirius Satellite Radio Interface you may connect and control a Kenwood Sirius Radio Tuner (i.e KTC-SR901-903 or the SIR-KEN1). Text is shown on GM Satellite Radio compatible displays.
3. When used as a CD Changer/Sirius Satellite Radio Combination you may connect both a Kenwood CD Changer and Sirius Radio Tuner. (Use the Radios "Band" button to toggle between the Satellite tuner and CD Changer functions.
Compatibility & Notes: ( please read before purchasing this part)
1. Compatible with all 2003-08 GM "Class II"
XM-Satellite Ready radios listed in drop-down menu below with "BAND" Button.
Not compatible with factory XM-- if present it must be disconnected.
3. Not compatible with factory DVD Systems
4. Compatible with factory Navigation systems.
This plug-n-play interface plugs into the
12-PIN Connector on the back of GM "Class 2 - RDS" XM Satellite ready receivers. [GM XM Ready Receivers will have "BAND" Button on the front panel. Please check and select your vehicle from the "Order Options" drop-down list below including factory Navigation equipped vehicles (for Sirius installation only).

The KNGM1v7 has been tested and verified to operate with unmodified factory Navigation radios for the installation of Sirius only. SoundGate cannot support installation where the factory Navigation has been modified to, for example, play DVD's.